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Restructuration de 8 centres de R&D 


Leader de la restructuration Européenne et du plan social associé Allemand


- Espagne: Abrera 

- Allemagne: Hagenbach, Munich, Scheuerfeld, 

Peine, Rüsselsheim, Gaimersheim

- Tchéquie: Mlada Boleslav  



12 mois à partir de la première analyse jusqu'à l'implémentation complète de la restructuration et du plan social


  • Analyse détaillée des 8 anciennes organisations 

  • Création d'une seule organisation plus performante  


  • Restructuration et plan social sans crise majeure

  • Promotion des personnes clés, augmentation de leur motivation et de la performance des équipes  

  • Réduction des effectifs de 10% avec plus de capacité et de projets

  • Les synergies avec les autres régions du monde ont été accélérées


"Didier and I collaborated more or less intensively over the many years we both are at Faurecia. This also means that I had the chance to see him from various different viewpoints and witnessed him acting in different roles and situations. Other than being a great person with a lot of energy and drive - that is already a lot and counts! -, Didier excels in his polyvalence: strategic thinking and doing, technology knowledge, market and business development expertise and always a genuine sensitivity for the bigger picture, ... and much more. That makes Didier a pretty unique partner in leadership positions, being able to challenge a project or a team based on real expertise, always result oriented, and maintaining detail focus at the same time as a healthy helicopter view. Didier is quick in assessing and understanding any type of business or technology situation, and then coming up with fresh and powerful steps to achieve a set goal. He is always able to span the wide range from vision and strategy to application and final concrete business. When you want the type of person who always gives his best ... and then still adds an extra portion of energy and determination ..., Didier is a great partner to have! I personally hope to stay close to him in the future."

Andreas Wlasak

VP Design at Faurecia 

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