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Nouvelle organisation 

R&D européenne


Co-Leader de la réorganisation



- Espagne: Polinyà, Zaragoza

- Allemagne: Bötzingen, Neustadt

- France: Vernon, Theillay

- Tchéquie: Liberec 


6 mois à partir de la décision jusqu'à l'instauration complète


  • Créer une organisation et équipe européenne

  • Améliorer la performance de toutes les équipes


  • Réorganisation sans heurt

  • La dimension "client" introduite permit de doubler le carte de commandes en l'espace de 2 ans

  • Les échanges des savoirs et le transfert de ressources augmentèrent fortement

  • Le partage des ressources s'accéléra et devint "naturel"

  • La motivation de chaque équipe Européenne augmenta significativement


" I had the pleasure to work several years with Didier, first as partner on innovative composite projects when he was VP Engineering and Marketing at SMP, then as colleague in automotive markets when he was Engineering Director at Quadrant and finally as engineering plastics supplier when he was VP Product Line at Faurecia-Angell Demmel. Didier impressed me by his open mind and special talent to clearly envision potential benefits and issues of a given project in order to make it a reliable and successful business. In all situations Didier’s authority and leadership, without ever losing his smile and humour, made him earn my sincere appreciation. "

Henri-Paul Benichou
Sales & Business Development Manager at POLYSCOPE POLYMERS

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