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Übernahme eine insolvente Firma

Leiter der Due Diligence
Vice-President und Geschäftsführer
- China: Qinhuangdao
- Deutschland: Lindau
- Polen: Legnica
- Österreich: Kennelbach
- Mexiko: Puebla
48 Stunden "black-box asset-deal"
1 Monat Überlappung mit dem Insolvenzverwalter
Übernahme der insolventen Firma
Krisenbewältigung: Finanzen, Projekte, Industriel, Ressourcen
Integration in den Konzern
Gründung neuer Standorte in Polen, China und Mexiko
Von 4 auf 12 Kunden
Von 1 auf 6 Technologien
Zweistellige Rentabilität in Polen und China
Umsatzwachstum von + 400% in 7 Jahren
"Didier brings all skills and abilities of a target-oriented, smart, analytic and intelligent top manager. I had the pleasure to work for Didier during 4.5 years at Faurecia Angell-Demmel and it really was a great experience. I was always impressed by his ability to keep cool in difficult situations as well as handle these, strategically focus the division on the future and also create a very positive working environment. Besides, I really enjoyed and appreciated our regular “evening discussions” regarding R&D matters. Didier is a great person and really would be an asset to any company."
Peter Dr.Dörfler
Vice-President R&D at Techniplas, former team member at FAD
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